
Course Description

System Skills to Thrive in a Changing Health Care Environment-Capstone Project for RAC

This course requires the student to carefully review the literature and design a large-scale value-based practice innovation proposal using a quality improvement approach.  


Upon successful completion of this content area, the therapist will:

  • Apply the principles of diffusion of innovation to the widespread adoption of PT innovations
  • Develop and design a quality improvement project utilizing the TRIP model.
  • Organize and write an administrative case report in approved format.
  • Undergo up to three iterations of the case report with their advisor in a collegial manner.
  • Describe and justify the use of quality improvement and administrative case reports in evidence-based practice.
  • Identify a value-based practice innovation to utilize for your proposal.
  • Differentiate various information sources, identify applicable databases, and perform an efficient literature search.
  • Analyze and synthesize the relevant professional literature to produce an appropriate literature review and financial justification for the proposal.
  • Construct outline of proposed case report including relevance, setting, design, implementation plan, and outcomes assessment.
  • Construct clear operational definitions of all variables used.

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