Register for a Class
You must be an accepted student and have a student ID number in order to register. If you are not an accepted student, please apply here.
Registering for your classes is a simple process done through Cyberbear. Receipts are not automatically generated, so we recommend you do a print screen frequently throughout the process should you need a receipt for reimbursement or tax purposes.
Prior to the start of registration, you will receive an email with the Course Registration Number (CRN) from you administrator. First time students, please follow all instructions. Returning students can start at Step #7 once you have a logged into Cyberbear.
- Go to
- Click “Login to Cyberbear”
- Click “What’s my NetID?” in the bottom right part of the screen
- Enter your Last Name and Date of Birth to recover your NetID
- A yellow box will appear, noting your NetID, which should be two letters and six numbers.
- If a message displays that “No Matches were found”, please verify the data entered is correct. If the data is correct, please contact noting your 790 number, correct Last Name spelling, and correct Date of Birth.
- Remember your NetID as you will use it throughout your matriculation at the University of Montana
- Go back to the Login page and enter your NetID and (for first time users only) enter the last six digits of your 790 number.
- For first time users, several verification questions will appear, please complete.
- Click “Student Services”
- On the left side menu, click “Registration”
- Select the appropriate term. Be certain to NOT select any term that states “School of Law”
- Click “Register/Add/Drop Classes”
- Enter the appropriate CRN’s in the boxes
- Click “Submit Changes”
- Click “Preview Bill”
- Pay with any credit card.